The average baby weighs around 7.8 pounds when they’re born. From there, they grow exponentially — hitting around 11 pounds by month two and about 16.5 pounds by month six.


At least, that’s what happens to most babies. Blame it on microplastics, hormones in the milk or whatever they’re putting in water these days, but some babies go above and beyond, becoming incredibly Big Boys in a short amount of time. Such a baby can be seen here.

Somehow, this four-month-old baby is an astonishing 24.4 pounds, a weight babies don’t usually hit until they’re past their first year. He’s just fuckin’ massive. I mean, look at him! He can’t even walk, and he’s already got high school linebacker written all over him!

The boy’s mother seems equally surprised by his weight, showing difficulty even holding the big league boy. Commenters shared in the shock. “He got work in the morning,” said a user. “That boy is going to be holding you tomorrow,” offered another.

All this to say, I’m both impressed and terrified by how big this kid could eventually become.