Calling your mom into a fight is always going to be a losing move — but your mom jumping in voluntarily while you’re feuding with the cops? That’s not going to end well for either of you.


That didn’t stop this New Mexico woman from trying. After her son failed a field sobriety test, police decided to put him in the back of the squad car. The 19-year-old resisted, and so, his mom (also drunk) stepped into the picture.

“Hey, hey, hell no, don’t you hit me kid!” she yells.

The police respond as best they can, trying to maintain control of the situation while encouraging the woman to calm the hell down.

“Don’t touch my kid. Don’t touch my fucking kid,” she says at one point. “You got some problems.”

She then accuses the police of “hit[ting] a girl,” despite the fact that she is an adult with an adult child of her own. “Who hits a girl? What’s your problem?” she asks. “Your problem is you’re drunk,” the officer responds.

“Who cares if I’m fucking drunk?” the woman answers back. “I don’t care if I’m drunk. Don’t fucking come and hit a bitch.”

Eventually, the woman realizes that this problem can’t be solved with words — and so, she decides to square up with the cop, directing the second officer to hold her purse while she does. The officer doesn’t oblige, and soon, both the mother and child have been arrested. Funny how that happens.

Per the Daily Mail, “The mother was charged with battery on a police officer in the fourth degree, resisting, evading or obstructing an officer. Her son was charged with aggravated DUI, resisting, evading or obstructing an officer and improper equipment.”

The article goes on to note that “the female’s charge of battery against an officer were dismissed and her charges of assault and resisting an officer were amended,” while also saying that “both suspects court cases are ongoing and it is unclear if they will serve jail time.”

She may not care if she’s drunk, but she’ll almost certainly care if she goes to jail.