The city of Miami is holding an emergency meeting this morning after footage of a massive piece of concrete was seen falling into the street on Saturday, narrowly missing a passing car. 


The footage, which has since gone viral, shows two angles of the demolition mishap. According to authorities, there have been no injuries from the incident, though, Alpha Wrecking, the company performing the demolition will take part to help city officials understand why more precautions weren't put into effect to protect the surrounding area. 

"Imagine that car being there SECONDS before" commented on user on TikTok. 

"Blows my mind they don’t have that street blocked or even partially" commented another. 

Demolition gone wrong
byu/Pazuzu_____ inPublicFreakout

If you or someone you know likes watching demolitions, take a page out of these boomer's books and make sure you stay far, far away from the action.