Lionel Messi may be one of the best soccer players in the world, but there’s still something we can lord above him: He doesn’t speak English.


Now, let’s be clear — his English-speaking ability is more “uncertain” than “definitely nonexistent.” He currently lives in the U.S. and plays in Miami, so it’s likely that he’s picked up a few words. That said, fans had never heard what he sounded like speaking English.

That is, until now.

Oh God, he really sounds like a Minion, huh?

To be fair, all he says in this ad for the new Bad Boys movie is, appropriately, “Bad boys.” Twice.

However, both times, something just feels very minion-y about his inflection — and the internet was quick to take notice.

Hey, at least he’s trying. Maybe next time he’ll say another word. Like “banana.”