Becoming a physician is far from easy, an eight-year ordeal defined by late nights studying, grueling rotations, and the equally long-running and humiliating ritual of “pimping.”


While these hurdles are enough to stop several aspiring doctors’ respective med school journeys, one university decided to take a different approach to weed out who will actually make it to the white coat ceremony — kicking off class by screening an ultra-graphic clip of a c-section.

Last week, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland decided to put a lecture hall full of aspiring doctors to the test, showing them what life as a doctor truly entails.

But hey, just because these students failed the age-old gore test doesn’t mean they don’t have a bright future ahead of them. To quote TikTok commenter @freddy_kiki7, “When I fainted after seeing blood from a wound, I realized I was going to be a great engineer.”