For most people, going to a children’s sports game involves choking down a boiled hot dog as you watch kids try and fail to score points, usually tripping over themselves and each other in the process.


However, there are some that don’t see it that way. For them, the children’s playfield is a battleground — and that little tyke isn’t another stupid child who can barely play the sport they’re supposed to be playing, but a future star who can never be wronged. We call these people “hockey parents,” and dear god are they vicious.

How vicious can they be? Well, they apparently got so bad that a Massachusetts Youth Hockey referee had to barricade himself in a locker room and call the police.

According to 7 News Boston, the ref in the video is named Dominick Cappadona, and the video shows an incident in which “he had to call off the game and call the police because he was threatened by parents and players.”

“We are suffering from the lack of respect we get from players and parents and coaches as a whole,” he said. He also reminded parents that this is a goddamn children’s game, explaining, “You need to remember that your kid is here for fun. Your kid is here to have a good time and to be with his friends.”

Cappadona isn’t alone. The article notes that there have been numerous instances of refs quitting on the job, and that “many youth hockey referees say they experience a high level of verbal and even physical abuse on the job from parents and coaches alike.”

In short, leave your children’s refs alone. Unless they make a bad call, of course — then, it’s open season to do whatever you want.