Anyone who’s used the internet in the past 20 years will understand just how many people online are sexually frustrated and willing to take it out on innocent bystanders. But one Tennessee man has taken it to the next level.


Ulysses S. Arn from Tennessee, who describes himself as a “former Tea party leader, grassroots conservative activist, part of Team Ted Cruz,” took to Facebook to excoriate his friends for “not lift[ing] a damn finger to help me find a girlfriend,” blaming them for his health issues in the process.

He goes into detail about what’s wrong with his insides before crying, “My body has been tearing itself apart for apparently a long time because of my major depression,” which he attributes to his friends not helping him find a date. Better yet, he tags 37 people, presumably said close friends, in the post, forcing them to gaze upon his complaints whether they want to or not.

He continues, explaining why other dating options don’t work for him, including mentioning the fact that he’s “extremely antisocial” so going places and talking to people are “not possible” for him. From this, it’s not clear how dating in general is possible for him, and yet, he’s mad at his friends for not just giving him the name and number for a girl who is single, child-free and lives in the United States. Maybe they don’t know any women they’re willing to sacrifice?

He closes out the post with, “If you can’t or won’t reply with the name of a girl know that I hate you and you are the ones to blame for everything wrong with me you uncaring shitbricks.” He then stresses that he’s only willing to accept comments from people if they include the names and contact details of women he could potentially date.

Obviously, the comments section goes sideways, with one person leaving him the name and number of a Jenny, 8675309, while others try to offer counsel and words of support, which he rejects because it isn’t a single girl’s number.

Truly, it’s a mystery as to why he’s still single.