Every doctor will tell you that smoking is dangerous no matter where you do it. Still, there are definitely some places that are worse than others. On your front porch? Probably fine. In a car filled with propane tanks? You’re not serious, are you?


Well, one dumbass actually *was* serious about performing this stupid stunt — and somehow, he’s still alive.

According to CBS News, the man had parked in a supermarket parking lot when he decided to light up a cigarette. The problem with his plan is that his car was loaded to the brim with propane canisters, which resulted in his vehicle straight up exploding.

“Pieces of the parked vehicle flew in every direction, one of which lodged into a nearby tree. The explosion left the Toyota SUV mostly in mangled pieces. The sound of the explosion could be heard at least a few blocks away, according to a man who lives around the corner from the parking lot, who said it was ‘like an earthquake rattling the windows,’” reads the CBS News piece.

Somehow, CBS News says the man suffered only minor injuries as a result of the blast. In short, he’ll live to smoke again — just hopefully further away from any other fuel sources.