Cooking skills: Some people have them, some people don’t. Even with a fully-written recipe, there are just certain people that know exactly how much cumin a recipe needs, or precisely how one can save a soup that’s gotten too salty.


Then, there are people who take a different, considerably more violent approach.

In this video, a man is cooking a meal that can only be described as “brown” when he realizes, “Hey, now would be a great time to show off my gun.”

And so, he does just that. The problem is, he doesn’t keep the safety on, and when the barrel is aimed at his “delicious” dinner, the weapon goes off.

A million things could be said here about gun safety — for example, the fact that he decided to play with a loaded gun near a gas stove. He’s lucky that his misfire just ended up a ruined bolognese and not a big kaboom.

The big question: Do we think he ate it afterward anyway? My bet’s on yes.