We’ve all been in that situation where you really need to go, but you can’t find a toilet. Even when you do, things can get awkward — sorry, ma’am, I don’t want to buy anything, I just need to shit!


For most of us, we’ll simply wander around until we find a bathroom willing to accept our deuces (or give up and buy a McMuffin so we can get the bathroom code). However, one British man thinks he’s cracked the code — handing people a card that says you need to poop.

Unfortunately, the post that revealed this development also showed that it doesn’t always work. “Hi @sainsburys your Kensington store manager Marika just refused me access to a bathroom. Despite presenting this,” he wrote, showing a blue card that reads, “JUST CAN’T WAIT. I have a medical condition and need to access a toilet urgently.”

In case you’re wondering, it doesn’t appear that he made this card himself. That’s because these cards are available online — for example, this site from a group called “Bladder & Bowel UK” offers to send you a card if you fill out their form.

While it’s not legally binding, the site claims that the card is “recognized and supported by many retail and service organizations, giving you access to toilets not normally available to the general public.”

They don’t even ask what the medical condition is before you can get a card. I support being able to use toilets in more places, but I don’t like the idea of having to fake a medical condition to do so. Sometimes, you don’t have a medical condition — sometimes, you just thought Taco Bell breakfast was a good idea!