A Philadelphia man has found himself in quite the odd predicament, albeit one entirely of his own making. Curtis Remarc took to Twitter this week to reveal that one of his friends has come into 133,000 pounds of chocolate. Yes, you read that right.


How did this happen? Apparently he won a bid on a “chocolate disposal” lot from a major Pennsylvania-based wholesale producer of “fairly high end chocolate” (so probably not Hershey’s) after one of the wholesaler’s customers tweaked their recipe, forcing them to abandon all of the product made using the old recipe. Who knew chocolate disposal auctions were even a thing?

As a result, he now has 66 tons of chocolate in 50-pound sacks and 10-pound bricks, although he’s down 20 pounds after giving some to his boss. The man’s group chat was suitably amazed at this piece of lore, with Remarc pointing out that this was equivalent to 38 Toyota RAV4s (a completely standard and normal unit of measurement) of chocolate, as a Toyota RAV4 weighs anywhere from 3,455 to 3,630 pounds.

Another member of the chat immediately asked if he could have 100 pounds of chocolate, to which Philadelphia’s new largest chocolate supplier responded that he wasn’t sure about 100 pounds since he wasn’t sure how he’d carry that much — it isn’t pre-wrapped — but that he could absolutely spare a couple of bricks. His friend quickly responded that he can’t actually take 100 pounds of chocolate anyway.

A Twitter user suggested that the man sell the chocolate to smaller chocolatiers, but according to Remarc, the chocolate is food waste and thus that’s not allowed, so they “might as well eat it.” I have a slight suspicion they’re going to need the help of a number of people outside of the group chat to get through 66 tons of chocolate.

I guess either this man’s friends are about to gain a ton of weight, or he’s going to become his neighborhood’s version of Santa Claus — but for chocolate and in February. Either way, a bunch of people in Philadelphia are going to be incredibly well-fed, although hopefully, they remember to break all the chocolate up with a vegetable every now and then. Balance is key!