Though one Pomona, California couple may have intended to sell their iPad, they got an iPounding instead, landing in an all-out street fight with armed robbers posing as customers interested in buying their tablet.


Shortly after listing the Apple product late last month on the peer sales site OfferUp, Eduardo Reyes decided to meet up with a potential buyer in a nearby neighborhood. Yet when Reyes finally caught up with the customer, one he said “sounded like a kid” during an initial conversation, he was greeted with a firearm, one of the alleged robbers pulling a gun and pointing it at his neck.

“He started running towards me,” Reyes told local Los Angeles news outlet, KTLA, of the incident. “When he ran towards me, I grabbed the iPad. I turned around and the other person had already taken out the gun and said, ‘Give me your iPad! Give me your iPad!’”

Initially skeptical over whether or not the gun was legit  — ““I was like, ‘There’s no way they have a real gun, that’s crazy’” — his worries quickly turned to his spouse, who accompanied him for the sale-turned-impromptu-brawl.

“I was concerned because my wife was there and I was like, ‘What if they try to do something to her?’” he remembered.

While at first, he successfully diverted the thieves attention from his other half, one of the robbers decided to take on his wife after she said she was calling the authorities for help.

Despite the couple’s best efforts — and a few impressive shots — the fake buyers managed to get away, taking both Reyes’ iPad and his wife’s phone as their prizes.

We can only hope that this couple manages to get their electronics back … and maybe uses the mail for their next sale.