Leonardo DiCaprio, (47), has broken up with his girlfriend Camila Morrone, (25), after four years of dating. This means that as the actor approaches 50 years old, he still has yet to date anyone over the age of 25. It has been a running joke for some time now that DiCaprio just casts aside girlfriends once they reach the age of full mental maturity, but what was once just a conspiracy theory now has quite legitimate legs to stand on. This chart from MailOnline tells you all you need to know.


In the meantime, DiCaprio’s split from yet another model girlfriend has sparked an outpouring of memes, and we would not be doing our jobs if we didn’t include some of them here.

While it would be unjust to cite age as the definitive reason why this particular couple broke up, there is a definite pattern that can no longer be ignored. It will be interesting to see who the actor winds up with next, but if they're under 25, they should think twice before expecting a happily ever after.