There have always been people who seek alternative medicines and cures for their issues. In some cases, these solutions range from useless to harmless. In others, they reach levels of “dear god what the fuck are you doing.” This woman on Instagram falls into the latter category.


In her own telling, she was stung by a scorpion about a year ago. While she says this caused “shaking and sweating,” she also described the experience as transcendent, saying she experienced “one of the most profound visions of my life.” Same — except mine came from eating a bad kebab and spending the night throwing up.

Days later, she says she was stung again, this time on the finger by another baby scorpion. Surprisingly, she felt nothing, and she received another vision this time of a giant scorpion spirit imparting enlightenment. “I had received the poison medicine,” she explains.

Since then, she’s kept being stung by scorpions and apparently loving the experience. Good for her, I guess.

I hope I don’t need to say it, but don’t do this. Scorpion stings can be pretty bad, and while you might think that you’re gaining some “power” from the whole thing, that’s likely just your brain flailing around as your body is filled with poison.

This isn’t the only thing that’s strange about this lady either. For example, she once posted a video saying that one’s “desire to have a tight pussy” is “destroying their womb.” I’ll let you guys unpack that one yourselves!

Additionally, her partner also describes himself on LinkedIn as “The Rockstar Yogi” and lists among his skills “Rap” and “Music Production.” Let’s take a look at that, shall we?

Never mind. You know what, lady? If you want to get stung by scorpions for the rest of your life, be my guest. Just stop telling us it’s medicine.