American election coverage is both tame and annoying, and that’s not just because both of our main candidates have worms in their brains.


While people may claim that American elections are just like sports, the way we choose to cover these things is considerably less exciting than an average Tuesday on ESPN. Maps, charts, graphs, interviews with some of the dullest people you’ve ever seen — c’mon! There’s got to be a better way!

Well, there is, and to experience it, we need to head over to South Korea.

Rather than present the data as, uh, data, this news station has opted to show off their candidates by deepfaking and Photoshopping them into various action scenes. It feels less like an election and more like the cutscenes to some sort of PS2 fighting game.

See? This is how you should cover elections!

We still have a few months to see how our major media companies will handle the goings-on of the Trump/Biden election (given that they’re still alive by then), but I just know it’s going to be more boring than this