Though we may have achieved several technological advances since the toaster’s invention ranging from touch screens to Hello Kitty imprints, one Kick streamer discovered that the laws of electricity are not one of them, getting nearly electrocuted after attempting to use a metal fork to fish out his breakfast during a livestream.


“F—k dude, how do I do this?” streamer GooseIsLoose asked, precariously hovering the utensil over his toaster last April. “Do I just scoop it in?”

Seconds later he appeared to do just that, a move that sent sparks flying and prompted an electrical surge so large, it stalled his video for several seconds as he continued flying backward.

While he was miraculously uninjured during the ordeal, he later clarified how he managed to evade an all-too-toasty fate, revealing the entire stunt was just that, a prank designed to highlight just how much we internet dwellers love dumb s—t.

“I never stuck my fork in a toaster!” he said in a video shared to his Twitter page shortly after the incident noting that he “never had so many people calling me stupid and telling me to die.”

“Get punked!” He continued. “Get sacked! Get ballsack-ed!”

The only thing dumber than sticking a fork in a toaster? Actually believing someone stuck a fork in their toaster … and lived to tell the tale.