Adin Ross is the premier bad boy of streaming. And besides just being edgy, he apparently is also a terrible gambler. Ross recently lost $5 million while playing high-stakes poker in what might be a world record five-minute span.
Now, as with anything that comes out of a streamer's mouth, and even more so, from a streamer who is solely on Kick (owned by Eddy Kraven, who is a founder of Stake), these claims should be taken with a grain of salt.
But Ross is known for his high-stakes poker and blackjack streams and seems to be a legit gambler, that is, he isn't terrible. I once watched him go down 80k at the blackjack table only to then make back 150k in a matter of 30 minutes. But apparently, even Ross' hot hands can go cold.
In the clip, Ross admits that he won't be playing high-stakes poker as often on stream and that he'll only have a per-stream balance of $50,000 going forward.
So let this be a lesson to all you wanna-be streams and addict gamblers, it's only fun when you're winning.