It is no secret that Joe Biden is not as sure-footed as he used to be. And that’s ok, our 80-year-old Commander-in-chief isn’t running a marathon. But that doesn’t mean the internet won’t poke fun at every trip and stumble; just remember Biden’s “Hitting the Griddy” photoshop meme after an all-too-common airplane-step stumble in March.


This time, Biden hit the deck after speaking at the Air Force Academy's graduation ceremony. It appears a stray sandbag was to blame, but shouting “Sniper!” would certainly have been appropriate, albeit not advised.

Of course, it didn’t take long for the memes to start stumbling in.

“Welp, Joe Biden just fell down,” the NBC reporter Ben Collins wrote on Twitter. “Say goodbye to reading anything important on this site for the next 72 hours.”

Following his fall, Biden was photographed pointing at the black sandbag responsible for taking him out. That photo was then the source for another Photoshop meme frenzy by r/photoshopbattles. Who would have thought that a sandbag would be public enemy number one?