Despite being incredibly hot, poor Jeremy Allen White, best known for playing Carmy on The Bear, just can’t catch a break. First it was people wondering where the hell his bulge had disappeared to, and now they’re wondering the same about his belly button.


Appearing in a new campaign for Calvin Klein, White stripped down to his Calvins and did some pull-ups on a New York City rooftop, leading to a veritable frenzy online — dude looks good after shooting The Iron Claw, and his bulge has returned from war. More discerning viewers noticed one thing, however: He doesn’t appear to have a belly button.

People quickly started making jokes, including making comparisons to Kyle XY, that TV show from the mid-2000s about a guy who, amongst other things, has no belly button. I’m sure the show had a plot, but as one Twitter user points out, the belly button thing is the only thing anyone remembers. What a legacy.

But I digress. While some people were just getting their jokes off, others were genuinely confused about whether or not White has a belly button. It is possible for people to be born without belly buttons, or to lose them later on as a result of surgical intervention. Fortunately for all of those who were concerned, some people sought out other photos of White which show that he does indeed have a belly button, it’s just particularly small.

Again, poor Jeremy Allen White. The man can’t go two months without enduring rampant online speculation about various parts of his body when he’s just at the mercy of photographers and lighting. Hopefully everyone can get back to discussing the real issue at hand: the 75-foot tall billboards of White at Houston and Lafayette in New York City.