Buying gifts for your parents becomes more difficult with every passing year. A technological gift means hours on the phone with them explaining how to set up the thing, then numerous maintenance calls when they inevitably can’t get it to work again. Beyond that, there’s not much else to give them — after all, they’ve been on this earth for a while. They probably have everything they need.


But a redditor has recently come through with a brand new innovation in the world of parental gift-giving: a deep fake video of them doin’ the deed.

In a post to Canada’s legal advice subreddit, Futurestar1991 asked, “Is it legal to make a deep fake of my own parents?”

“I know a guy who makes NSFW deep fakes, and I was wondering if I paid him to make one of my parents when they were younger if this is legal?” the post read. “My mother passed away, but my father is still alive if that matters.”

Confusingly, he also left open the door that his dad might be totally chill with this, writing, “If I get my father’s written permission could I make one without my mother’s permission?”

So is this guy trolling? It’s unclear, but I’ve reached out to him to be sure. That said, his post history is pretty devoid of trolling or joke posts. For example, he talks about GameStop and Bed Bath & Beyond stock and makes numerous posts offering his positive thoughts on Christianity and how, as one of his posts puts it, “Christians are Under Attack.” He also left another comment on the original post saying that wants to create the video not as a gift, but “to worship the act that gave me my vessel (my body).”

“I believe the act itself is something that we are not particularly thankful for when it is beautiful and part of God’s divine creation plan,” he explained. “It created me and I am thankful for it happening.”

For anyone wondering, the answer on the subreddit is that it would be legal, just weird. Putting things as kindly as possible, Derspiny wrote, “While I have serious reservations about the idea of making porn of ones’ own parents, if it’s for private use, there isn’t much of a legal issue here.”

Not sure about Futurestar1991’s dad, but Freud would definitely be a fan of all this.