A redditor is feeling weird after watching his friends have an orgy. In a post on r/tifu, DrJanusMagus says that he and a group of friends were day-drinking. One thing led to another and boom, an orgy broke out. The only problem? DrJanusMagus wasn’t feeling it.


“I had drank too much to just leave to drive home (and my car was there, so I couldn't really uber home and just leave my car without it being a huge ordeal) and I didn't know what else to do but watch,” he explained. “At one point, the other girl even encouraged me to jump in, but I declined saying my own girlfriend wasn’t there to say it was okay or join in herself.” A monogamous king!

As for why he didn’t just, you know, not stare at his friends doin’ it, DrJanusMagus claims that the group had originally discussed going swimming. For some reason, he says he held out a faint hope that that might still happen. “We were supposed to go to the pool to continue partying so part of me was hoping this would all end and we’d move on to the pool like nothing happened,” he wrote in the post. Let’s just say he’s not the best at reading the likely-very-sweaty room.

The post ends with him asking if he was a “creep” for sticking around. Redditors in comments assured him that he wasn’t, and that not joining in was probably the right move given that he didn’t have his girlfriend’s approval. “I’ve watched enough amateur orgy porn to know that there’s always some random dude standing around in the background. You’re good,” argued one user.

“Frequent orgy goer here confirming it’s true in real life too. There’s always someone shy awkwardly standing around not knowing how to get things started at a big sex party,” replied another.

Still, some said he could have gone further. “Could have been like a cornerman. Encouraging, giving water, a towel, maybe some ice to cool down, and some strategy,” advised one user. “You could have at least supplied drinks and snacks to them,” echoed a second.

Above all, though, redditors’ advice was simple: If you find yourself at an orgy, and you don’t want to be at an orgy, just go home. You can always go swimming another day — just make sure you wash the towels before you do.