It’s not uncommon for those in the Army to undergo “live fire exercises.” This is where they are set to walk or crawl through a field while gunshots rain over them. I know, the Army sounds great!


The goal of all of this is to get soldiers used to the sound and feeling of gunfire so they don’t freak out when they hear it on the battlefield — or, when they return home, lock themselves in the bathroom every time they hear a firecracker.

Of course, when this is conducted in the U.S., shots are fired far over soldiers’ heads to reduce the risk of accidents. Yes, they still happen, but they’re few and far between.

The same can’t be said, I assume, for Indonesian live-fire training, where soldiers get accustomed to bullets being shot at them by… having bullets be shot at them.

The video is any recruit’s worst nightmare. Soldiers crawl through the mud while real bullets are hurled in their direction, flinging mud as each shot lands dangerously close to them. You better hope the person with a gun is a good shot!

In case you were wondering, this is not a one-off. In fact, this “Dopper” training seems to happen fairly often, as evidenced by the many YouTube videos of it being done.

“According to the Indonesian military the ‘Dopper’ training is designed to mentally toughen special forces soldiers and instill self-control by replicating real-world conditions they could face during combat, with all live firing done by experienced sharp-shooters,” writes Paul Treacy for Asean News Today.

It may be intense, but hey, at least this training is keeping all of those influencers in Bali safe — or maybe not.