The only thing worse than navigating annoying, entitled customers at work? Navigating annoying, entitled customers who demand that you flirt with them while on the job.


An exasperated retail worker headed to social media to share a clip depicting one of the many struggles that can come with working as a cashier, showing a customer refusing to take a hint that his repeated advances were clearly unwelcome.

“Are you in high school?” the man in question began the painful interaction.

“No,” the cashier replied, before attempting to get back to her job.

“You graduated?” he followed up, prompting a “yeah.”

After confirming that she was not, in fact, a minor, the man refused to relent, persisting with several awkward questions surrounding her collegiate status, her age and insisting that he help her select a sticker.

“I think you got it,” she fired back.

Despite her string of one-word answers and apparent disinterest, the man continued to badger the cashier — even after completing his purchase.

“You’re all set,” she said after finishing the transaction.

“Am I though?” he countered, before interrogating her about social media and calling her cute.

We can only hope that this woman gets the raise she so desperately deserves … and that this dude quickly learns that Andrew Tate’s dating advice will never, ever work.