For some reason, people with fancy cars really love destroying them. That’s where the Instagram account Cars Leaving Meets comes in. In short, this account chronicles all of the people who have invested hours of time and energy getting their car into peak condition — then seconds absolutely wrecking it.


There’s no sense in these accidents; just dudes wilding out and paying the price for doing so. Some of them don’t even wild out that hard, and yet, they see their investment destroyed in seconds.

Of course, there’s more danger to be had in this game than just to the car itself. Anyone observing a driver going crazy is at risk of being hit themselves, as multiple videos prove.

This isn’t even mentioning the infrastructure damage. Won’t something think of our poor lampposts, curbs and road signs?

If you have a car, don’t do this — and if you’re driving and see either a Ford Mustang or a Dodge Challenger, just leave the road. Something bad is going to happen.