Climate activists in Brussels pied Ryanair CEO, Michael O’Leary in the face. The Irish airline boss was conducting a one-man press conference against the EU air traffic control strikes.


“Welcome [to] Belgium. Stop the pollution from the f------ planes!” the two climate activists shout as they smash cream pies in O’Leary’s face and scatter away. Truly a sweet greeting.

Despite having cream all over him, O’Leary carried on talking to the press about petitioning the European Commission to give Ryanair an exemption to fly through French airspace despite ongoing air traffic control strikes.

“We’re here to discuss the petition. I love cream cakes. They’re my favorite,” he delightfully tells the press as he eats some of the cream off his fingers. “[We’re] calling on Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commission to take action to protect overflights during the strikes—this is delicious cake.”

If the activists revealed anything about Ryanair, it’s not that the Beliguim pilots are planning to strike due to poor pay and working conditions. It’s that the CEO is a little lad who loves petitions and cream.