In what I’m hoping beyond hope is a fake post, a man took to Reddit to ask for advice after getting into an argument with his wife about how much one-on-one time she’s been spending with a male friend who happens to be 11 years her junior.


Writing in r/AITAH, a spin-off of r/AmITheAsshole, the man wrote, “AITA for not wanting my wife [30f] to hang out with a teenager [19m]? She has a group of online friends and one of them is in town for the weekend. She told me she made plans to spend time with him, in my mind I thought it was a quick lunch and dinner on Sunday and Monday. I found out that she had plans to spend literally all day, 8+ hours on both days with him.

“I’m trying to explain to her [that] it’s highly inappropriate for her to spend this much 1:1 time with a kid and makes me feel uncomfortable. She sees it as me being controlling and not letting her go out and preventing her from being happy. (I don’t have a problem with her spending time with other friends she has, it’s the fact that he’s a 19-year-old male teenager and spending so much time with him.) Am I the asshole?”

Other information revealed in the comments includes the fact that she’s known him since he was 15 when they met doing Final Fantasy raids together, they often stay up late at night talking over Discord, and the year he turned 18, they went away on a trip together for four nights. Extreme yikes.

Commenters were unanimous in condemning the woman’s relationship with the teenager as inappropriate; at worst, it’s illegal, and at best, it’s just unethical.

OP explained that he doesn’t think their relationship is sexual or romantic, leading commenters to wonder if he was either a troll or being deliberately obtuse. Burying your head in the sand isn’t an uncommon response when faced with a horrific situation you’d rather not process, but my god man, no normal 30-year-old woman is this invested in a relationship, romantic or platonic, with a 19-year-old. Speaking as a current 30-year-old and former 19-year-old, 19-year-olds are simply not interesting enough to spend a significant amount of time talking to, let alone multiple days in a row.

While commenters felt bad for OP, many of them were concerned about how oblivious he appeared to be, particularly when he continued to stress that they were just friends and that his wife “wouldn’t know how” to groom a teenager, anyway. Oy.

Sometimes the internet makes me feel glad for the relatively straightforward and largely minor problems I have to deal with in my own life.