The world of combat sports is getting dicier and dicier every day. A clip from TBS’s controversial show, Power Slap: Road To The Title, has recently gone viral. The show which aired earlier this year features individuals competing in a slap fighting.


The welterweight match between Jewel Scott and Anthony Green started with Green pelting Scott in the face. But then Scott started preparing for his turn.

Scott countered with a slap that can only be described as a human gunshot. The sound was explosive and the connection was damaging. Green stumbled back towards his ringside team. He kneels with his face covered in chalk, struggling to catch his breath.

And this was only round one.

The show has been renewed for a second season but not on TBS’ network (probably for good reason). Surely this can’t be fun for anyone except us watching from the comfort of our couches, and still, we aren't having that much fun watching. 

“That's the kind of slap that makes you remember your past lives,” responded one TikTok user.

“He’s on the floor contemplating his life. His hairline got pushed back,” says @cocosarel in a stitched reaction video.

Obviously, Green did not win his match,  Scott is forever immortalized as the man who slapped someone so hard, they saw the face of God.