Earlier this year, a Louisville driver captured headlines after almost driving a semi off of a bridge.


Images and video of the incident were pretty wild. The cab of the truck dangled off of the bridge, and for around 40 minutes, the driver of the vehicle was trapped — every second getting dangerously close to plunging into the cold waters below.

While the driver was eventually rescued, many were wondering what exactly happened to the driver that caused all of this to happen. Now, we have a little more insight thanks to in-camera footage that was recently released.

According to the video, a car swerved toward the driver who, panicking, jerked the wheel to try to avoid the oncoming vehicle. This is the move that sent her over the edge of the bridge.

I have to say, though, that while she does let out a single scream as it all happens, she remains surprisingly calm throughout the entire endeavor.

Thank God for seatbelts!