Reddit sex song - Cbat

A guy from Reddit is going viral for posting an embarrassing confession in the “Today I F***ed Up” subreddit. Apparently he had been playing the same song during sex for the past two years, before his girlfreind eventually told him she hated it, and it was a “major turn off.” The song, Cbat by Hudson Mohawke, is beyond anything you might be imagining.


Reddit sex song - Cbat

Sex Song - reddit post

Imagining having sex to this song once, let alone for two years, is gut wrenching to say the least, and people all across the internet have had fun putting their own take on it.

After going viral, the original OP posted an update, but unfortunately it is not the fairy tale ending we might have hoped for. Apparently the post was discovered by his girlfriend's younger sister who recognized the OP's name and the song as one of his favorites. After bringing it to the attention of her sister, the OP's relationship has unfortunately come to an end. 

On the bright side, the fact he was able to maintain a relationship for two years while doing this might bode well for him in the future... if he is able to fix that bedroom playlist. About that bedroom playlist, it has been revealed. 

Happy sex having everyone!