A private jet crashed north of Moscow on Wednesday, reportedly killing 10 people, according to the Associated Press.


Though it’s unclear who, exactly, was on the flight, Wagner Group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, who attempted to overthrow Russian President Vladimir Putin back in June, was included on the passenger list, a sentiment that most definitely did not bring a hint of a smile to the controversial leader’s face.

As news of Prigozhin’s possible passing began making the rounds on social media, several social media users headed to Twitter with one question — who (other than anyone with eyes and a 101-level knowledge of Russian politics) could have possibly seen this coming?

“Shocked to hear that Progozhin's plane went down,” tweeted @katystoll. “Wild. Who could have predicted that? Stunning turn of events.”

“Gosh, what a surprise,” wrote @bmay, commending Putin on switching things up a bit. “Still, a change from accidentally falling out of a window,” they joked.

Moral of the story? If you’re gonna take down Putin follow through, lest you die an incredibly “mysterious” and tragic sudden death. As @NerdPyle so aptly observed, “you can only avoid 20th-story open windows in Moscow for so long.”