A private jet is something that most of us will not experience in our lifetimes. Personally, I’m fine with that — I’ll also probably never be on the Moon, climb Everest or figure out if “the stranger” is a thing people actually do when jacking off.


However, I at least have self-awareness to know that I will never be able to learn about these things firsthand. Some people do not have that, like this woman who called a private jet company because tickets on American Airlines were too expensive.

To start, the woman explains her situation. Basically, she was thinking about flying commercial from Los Angeles to Nashville, but the tickets were too expensive ($400 each). Instead, she called Amalfi Jets — who told her that she was out of her mind for thinking a private jet would be cheaper than just buying a ticket like the rest of us.

“We’ll have a private flight attendant on board, from L.A. to Nashville and back, you’re looking at about $80,000,” says the person on the phone. “One hundred percent going to be more expensive than American Airlines Economy.”

Needless to say, the woman didn’t buy the private flight.

Of course, there’s always a chance this is fake — why was he being filmed before the call? And why didn’t she just look up their pricing on the company’s website? — but knowing people, there have definitely been others who have done this.