Needless to say, when one cheats on their partner, they not only run the risk of ruining the relationship, but also, terrifyingly for them, getting caught. And that’s exactly what happened to a man that TikToker Gianna (@giannamjoyce) was seeing.
According to Gianna, she spotted a cute guy while working out at the gym. Over time, they got to know each other better, eventually beginning to date. Then, one day, she decided to return to the gym later in the day than usual. The man was there again, only this time, he had a girl with him. This girl, Gianna discovered, was his girlfriend of four goddamned years.
Naturally, Gianna told the girl everything, to which she responded by crying. Once the two recomposed themselves, they devised a plan.
It went like this: The man’s soon-to-be-ex girlfriend would take him to a Mexican restaurant that they were both familiar with. From there, Gianna would join them, asking if the girlfriend was his sister. After that, they’d see what happened.
What did happen was that the man’s face “went blank” before he excused himself to the bathroom. But he wasn’t safe there either — the group followed him to the bathroom and waited for him outside the door. Upon exiting, the man sprinted to the parking lot as his near-ex girlfriend questioned him, pretending not to know what was going on.
Once the group arrived in the parking lot, Gianna went over everything again. The girl then broke up with him. She also poured enough soda on his head that it qualified as literal sweet revenge.