In case you haven’t heard, there’s a new Garfield movie coming out. While the film will be officially released on May 24th, there’s already been premieres all around the world.


How are those premieres going, you ask? Well, when the movie came to Leon, Spain, a whole-ass fight broke out. So, not good, I guess.

According to the Mirror, the puncher in question is “Spanish boxer Antonio Barrul, a six-time national amateur champion who turned professional last year.” The Express adds that Barrul was apparently motivated to begin his assault after he overheard a man mistreating his partner. The two exchanged verbal blows before Barrul left his seat and promptly pummeled him.

It’s been a big year for in-theater incidents. Back in October, a fight broke out during a showing of Five Nights at Freddy’s; before that, there was a seating dispute at a showing of Jennifer Lawrence’s film No Hard Feelings that got so intense that a man was shot and killed. And this isn’t even mentioning the theater in India in which people lit off a bunch of fireworks.

At least The Garfield Movie seems to be getting decent reviews, so if it seems like your thing, head down to your local movie theater and enjoy. Also, bring boxing gloves.