As if traveling could get even worse, Frontier has a new policy to make it hell. The airline is in hot water over their personal item/bag policy.


Dyana Villa, a journalist based in Utah went viral on TikTok after showing airline workers attempts to charge her $99 for an oversized bag (despite it fitting perfectly in the bin).

The video is a frantic back-and-forth between Villa, her colleague, and the gate agents. Villa was told the bag fitting in the bin did not count because she had to “push it down.” She did not pay the extra fee and was also not allowed on the flight after filming the ordeal.

The comments then became a safe space for others who have had similar experiences with Frontier charging them $99 dollars for their “oversized” baggage.

“Yep they did this to us!” said one user. “Been flying with same bags for 10 years suddenly we had to pay $300 for personal items.”

“This is the 4th or 5th video today and in everyone the bags fit,” said another.

Villa made another video explaining the messages she got from other airline workers about the policy. Apparently Frontier gives gate agents a bonus if they charge an oversized bag fee at the gate. How much is that bonus? A whopping $10 per person charged.

“They do all of this for 10 bucks,” says Villa. “I could have just Venmo'd them 10 bucks.”


Frontier has since confirmed that the baggage bonus is a real policy of theirs, a representative for the airline telling The Independent, that the bonus was “simply an incentive for our airport customer service agents to help ensure compliance with our policies and that all customers are treated equally.”

The price of a semi-decent burger should not be enough for these airline workers to terrorize already stressed-out travelers. They’re already flying Frontier.