If you’ve had an iPhone for a while, you surely remember this day.

Back in 2014, U2 released a new album entitled Songs of Innocence. This came at a weird time for the band as, following paltry sales of their previous record, they weren’t sure if anyone gave a shit about their new music anymore (spoiler: they didn’t).


Knowing this, they decided to go all-out for Songs of Innocence. Not only were they going to promote the heck out of the thing, but they would be doing so with Apple, a company with whom they had worked in the past. Back before streaming was big, U2 decided that they would reward their fans by giving a free copy of their album to everyone with an Apple device.

There were two problems with this. One, the album sucked, and two, no one asked for it to be on their device. This led to a bunch of people complaining and calling tech support.

Now, someone from that tech support team is telling their story.

Former Apple Tier 1 tech support tells the story of what happened the morning after Apple pushed that U2 album to all its iPhone users in 2014
byu/cak3crumbs inTikTokCringe