We all knew delivery drones were going to be a bad idea from the first time we heard about them.


While there were concerns about privacy and annoyance caused by the sounds of drones flying everywhere, the main thing that people said about delivery drones was that they’d be good target practice. Want a free Amazon package? No more stealing it off a doorstep — simply load up your 12 gauge and that pack of paper towels is as good as yours!

Now, one mad lad has actually done it, though it seems it was for paranoia reasons rather than wanting free stuff.

According to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office in Florida (yes, of course, it’s Florida), the station received a complaint saying that someone had shot at a local Walmart delivery drone. He actually managed to hit the thing, too, lodging a 9mm bullet into its payload.

The police eventually located the shooter, a man named Dennis Winn, who claimed that he tried to shoo the drone away — and when it didn’t leave, he shot it. “I fired one round at it,” he said in the bodycam footage, per USA Today. “They say I hit it so I must be a good shot, or else it’s not that far away. I'm going to wind up having to find a real good defense lawyer.”

Following his interview, Winn was taken into custody and charged with “shooting at an aircraft, criminal mischief damage over $1,000 and discharging a firearm in public or residential property, according to the sheriff’s office.”

Good defense lawyer or not, I’ll say he should be proud of the fact that he actually hit it — at the very least, he should be able to keep whatever it was supposed to deliver.