Looking to nab a five-finger discount during your next trip to the grocery store? You better stay the heck away from one K-Market in Finland, lest you get the a— whooping of a lifetime from the store’s no-nonsense cashier.


On several instances, the scrappy cashier has shown little mercy to would-be thieves attempting to skate out of her store without paying for their goods, regularly getting into a number of all-out brawls with shoplifters.

Beyond one melee in which she successfully wrestled what appeared to be a case of beverages from one wannabe burglar, the cashier found herself in a full-on game of tug-of-war with two young thieves, grabbing one of their jackets and yanking them back into the store to face the consequences that be.

Though we may never know why this employee goes all out for the grocery chain, redditor u/ISAMU13  presented a pretty good theory on a recent r/PublicFreakout post dedicated to her antics: “Having universal healthcare makes retail workers bold as f—k!”