In the United States, cops have guns — if, that is, they can manage to hold onto them.


While a standard police belt carries a holster that’s supposed to keep an officer’s gun locked in place, cops love to play a little fast and loose with their weapons. For example, who can forget when that FBI agent dropped his gun while attempting a flip and accidentally shot a dude in the leg? Or that other time when a cop tried to go down a children’s slide — and had his gun magazine fly out in the process?

Now, the tales of police weapon mishaps continue thanks to a recent post on the subreddit r/mildlyinfuriating entitled, “Cop Came in and Left Their Gun in the Bathroom at My Job.”

“This cop came in and was shopping, went to the restroom and then left. I’m the manager on duty and I get a call asking me to go to the bathroom and check if there was a gun left,” recalled Redditor kerrigan_rae. “It was sitting on the baby changer, and I work at a ‘kid-orientated’ store.”

It’s unclear why the cop took his gun out in the first place, as guns generally don’t need to be unholstered when you’re dropping a deuce. Maybe the officer saw the toilet as a threat and considered neutralizing it? Maybe he had such a bad poop that he wanted to fire some rounds off into the air Point Break-style?

Redditors were similarly confused. “I can see why someone would want to take their belt off to use the restroom but to take it out of its holster entirely?” asked someone in the comments.

We, of course, may never learn what happened here. What we do know is that this situation left kerrigan_rae with a police weapon in his hands, which Redditors had a variety of different ideas about. “Finders keepers,” stated one. “You pay taxes, it’s your turn with the community gun,” echoed another. “Delete this post, you have a new gun,” declared a third.

So if you’re a cop, maybe it’s time to add “gun” to the ol’ “spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch” routine.