A lot of the pressure men place on themselves to conform to certain standards of masculinity comes from other men. Occasionally, however, you get a weird woman who’s been listening to too much Andrew Tate coming out with her own bizarre takes on masculinity, and the most recent example of that is a real doozy.


Selena, whose display name helpfully informs us she is off her meds, took to the website currently known as X, formerly known as Twitter, with a genuinely unhinged opinion the likes of which I’ve rarely seen before.

Right out of the gate, you know the post is going to be wild, because it starts with, “It’s still so funny watching men trying to justify why they’ve never had an STD.” Que? People have to justify why they’ve never had sexually transmitted diseases now?

She continues, “So risk averse they’ve never been tested in the venereal realm, only on this app. Deep down they know it reveals their personality: safe, risk averse and overly health conscious. Do those sound like masculine traits to you?”

Then comes the inevitable comparison to the animal kingdom: “In nature the apex predator takes colossal risk — the jaguar leaps from a tree, the eagle nose dives at blistering speeds to the ground for prey, yet you cover your masculine essence with condoms as a humiliation ritual. To be successful you must take risks. Regardless of if there are some lumps and bumps along the way.”

I am speechless. And also more than a little suspicious that this girl is actually trolling — all of her posts read like either the thoughts of a troubled individual or well-done satire of commentators like Andrew Tate, who, incidentally, just followed her on Twitter. In one of her posts, she explains that her tweets are not simply her opinion, but that she “visit[s] the ethereal, sensually wrestle with universal TRUTHS then share them on the timeline.”

Wow. Thank you for your service queen.