There’s been a new trend on TikTok showing people how they can grill on a budget.


Now, I know what you might be thinking — doesn’t a grill cost like $20? Well, yes, but a) some people can’t be bothered to take their ass down to Walmart, and b) some people just like the challenge of doing something without the required tools.

To make the TikTok grill, you fill an aluminum tray with charcoal, then light it up. After that, you put a metal grill on top — not sure why you have that and not an actual grill, but okay — and boom! Barbecue ripping and ready to go!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one thing: Make sure you do it on concrete. Otherwise, this can happen:

In the video, a family made the mistake of setting up their TikTok grill on a plastic picnic table. As plastic + heat = melted plastic, the inevitable happens and their table becomes a soup complete with carcinogenic fumes.

Commenters were quick to call the family stupid for their decision to try this on plastic. “don’t blame tiktok,” wrote a user. “lights on but nobody’s home,” declared another.

At least they managed to actually make some burgers, even if they looked like ass.