Next time you ride a roller coaster at the fair and feel a bit unsafe, remember, the people who work on those rides are living life one day at a time. Either this man knows something we don't about the afterlife, or he simply does not care about his well-being. 


A new video that could only be described as an OSHA worker's nightmare shows a pirate ship ride engineer working under the ride while it’s moving above his head. There is a kettle corn kernel's distance between that ride and this dude's soft brain tissue. 

Hey, at least he has a white hard hat on. This man is carrying on a beautiful tradition of nonchalant young people working at the fair. Honestly, it makes you trust the rides more seeing this man just duck ever so slightly under the ride. The pirate ship only goes two ways and this fair engineer has it all under control.

Possibly the only fair worker you can put your blind trust in. Well him and the funnel cake maker.