On Tuesday, the Dallas Fort-Worth Metroplex experienced its biggest snowfall since 1985, receiving a whopping 1.3 inches. With the city unprepared for this 'extreme' weather, videos began pouring in of the typical chaos resulting from minor snowfall in a warm weather city. Here are some of the highlights from Dallas Texas TV and others. 


This viral video of cars stranded on a bridge has over 5 million views. You're telling me those cars can't move at all?

Like the Seattle ice storm earlier this winter, rainy conditions before the freeze have left the streets of Dallas slippery, and covered with ice. The weather service predicted the storm as, “Widespread icing on bridges and overpasses as well as surface streets... with travel significantly impacted.”

Semi-trucks and mail trucks alike struggled with the conditions, but that didn't mean some good old Texas heart couldn't power through. Why are those mail trucks rear wheel drive anyhow?

Of course Texans figured out other means of transportation once their normal cars were out of the question. It turns out that they had quite a few nifty ways to get around. 

While watching Texans overcome snow and ice is hilarious, many residents were upset with the city's complete failure to respond to the weather. 

Their anger is understandable, especially after a black ice incident in 2021 resulted in a 130+ car pileup and six deaths. Perhaps next year they'll be more ready, but let's be honest... they probably won't.