College basketball fans are ruthless. Raucous student sections have always been an awesome tradition for the sport. Now add in social media and 24/7 access to athletes, it's borderline invasive. But hey that's sports. One Duke basketball fan took his enthusiasm for the team to another level.


Creating a fake Tinder account, finding an opposing team's player, then proceeding to catfish said player is some grade A serial killer shit. But we have to admit, this is next level trolling. Louisville forward, Kamari Lands has nothing to be ashamed of, but I'd put money on him deleting his dating profiles from here on out.

If you're going to these lengths to get under a player's skin, you best bring evidence that it actually went down. This Duke fan did not disappoint, printing the DMs on poster board. 

Duke defeated Louisville on Monday by a final score of 79-62. So creepy vibes aside, this fan went home happy while Kamari Lands' squad was forced to take the L. Again this is just an incredible troll job, executed to perfection.