Removing a wasp’s nest isn’t easy. You either have to flush them out with insecticide, move the nest using a container or create a barricade between your living space and the nest using deterrent sprays — likely getting stung by the bastards every step of the way.


Alternatively, you could just use a firework machine gun.

In this video, a pair of dudes attach a box of fireworks to a piece of dried bamboo, creating a makeshift handle from which they can aim their fireworks.

After lighting, the first few fireworks miss the wasp’s nest completely — then, one firework manages to strike the thing, causing it to explode into hundreds of pieces (and, likely, dozens of incredibly angry wasps).

Naturally, a lot of people in the responses were quick to say that doing this is a surefire way to start a forest fire. While that may be true, I have a salient counterpoint: It looks really, really cool. Shouldn’t that be enough?

Whoever said fireworks weren’t practical?