Weed has really gone through a major shift in the past decade. While the miscreants of yore were sneaking out to the woods or taking suspiciously long walks at Thanksgiving dinner to get high, those interested in smoking weed today can kinda just do it.


As of last year, more than half of the country’s population lives in a place where weed is legal. Not only that, but buying weed is now a refined process — a shopping experience more akin to going to the Apple Store than buying an eighth off your friend’s older brother. Enhancing this experience are the many weed products that are now available: a budding (lol) industry full of designer foods, candies and drinks designed either to get you high or, in the case of CBD, chill you out.

A man named Justin Murphy has recently gone viral after accidentally consuming one of these beverages, sleeping well and then getting mad about it.

In a post on X/Twitter, Murphy decries a “silent epidemic wreaking havoc on the American family.” That epidemic, he says, is cannabis.

The post itself shows a can of CBD water made by a company called Recess. Even though the can only has around 10 milligrams of CBD, Murphy claims it was enough to knock him out cold. “A friend brought some of these over, and I drank two around 8 p.m. My body completely shut down, and I slept from 9 p.m. until 10 a.m. I slept through Sunday Mass,” he stated. “How is this legal, with such innocent packaging?”

Quite frankly, I would just be happy if CBD did anything for me at all. Plus, as many have noted in response, it’s kind of unclear what the problem is here. Sure, you could think the industry needs better regulation, but can’t you find a better example of the problem than “it made me sleep good”?

Now, if the name Justin Murphy sounded familiar, it may be because this has happened before. Murphy is a guy who, by his own admittance, keeps “accidentally” trying weed and hating it. For example, last year, he told a story about how he bought two CBD gummies from a gas station to relax. Instead of calming him down, he claimed it made him stay up until 3:30 a.m. “researching near-death experiences to understand what the afterlife really means.” Newsflash, Justin — that’s not the drugs, that’s just Catholicism!

He later claimed that he didn’t actually buy CBD and was pro-cannabis — and in the months following, he tweeted plenty of times about consuming CBD. Don’t know what changed between then and now, but I’m sure it was very normal and not rooted in a need for attention at all. Then again, Murphy really should know what drugs are like. After all, he also used to tweet all the time about doing them.

Case in point: In this post, he says he’s used “LSD, Adderall, MDMA, psilocybin, modafinil and obviously cannabis.” In another, he claims to have “posted to Instagram a few videos of myself while I was tripping on shrooms” while he was a professor. Are you talking about this video, Justin?

Look, there’s nothing inherently wrong with doing drugs. There’s also nothing wrong with stopping your drug use, or deciding that drugs are bad the *second* you stop having fun doing them. I may disagree with you, but it’s your right to get really annoying and Catholic the moment girls with nose rings stop wanting to date you.

However, if you really think that drugs are a scourge that are harming our nation, it may be time to go back and delete those Tweets where you try to make them look fun. Then again, if taking those drugs is what led you to this, maybe that’s enough of an anti-drug PSA in and of itself.