Dude Gets Refused a Loan, Completely Loses It

Well that’s not gonna help.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Wtf

Well that’s not gonna help.

Well, that’s not gonna help.

Money: we all need it to survive. While society used to operate on a complex system of “I owe you one”s, today, most places on this Earth have decided that the best way to regulate goods and services is to hand over some bills with an old man’s face on them.

I know, crazy.

Anyway, given how important money is, it’s understandable that someone might get a teensy bit upset when they don’t have it. Still, that doesn’t explain how much this guy lost his shit after being denied a loan.

They refused him a loan
byu/Dramatic_Experience6 inThatsInsane
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An American Woman Flew to Pakistan to Meet 19-Year-Old Internet Boyfriend, Got Rejected, and Is Now Refusing to Leave

The definition of “a lot going on.”

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago in Wtf

The definition of “a lot going on.”

The definition of “a lot going on.”

Before we get into this, I’m just going to start this whole thing off by saying that everything I’m about to write is alleged. We’ve basically only got this woman’s story and Pakistani tabloids to go off of, so I’m not going to try to imply that we know exactly what’s going on.

But from the limited information we have, here’s what appears to be true: In October, a woman named Onijah Andrew Robinson decided to travel to Karachi, Pakistan, to meet up with a teenage boy with whom she had been speaking online.

Initially, it seemed as though her beau was actually going to marry her. However, his family soon intervened and the wedding was called off — a move that apparently sent Robinson into a spiral. In the weeks following, she went to his apartment building and did a “sit-in,” sleeping in the parking lot and refusing to leave despite complaints from neighbors and onlookers.

She continued to do so until her tourist visa expired — at which point she still didn’t leave.

This left Robinson in a bit of a predicament. She was no longer allowed to be in the country, but she also really, really didn’t want to leave.

So, what did she do? Well, she played a bit of a cat-and-mouse game with authorities and allegedly ignored a return ticket purchased for her by an NGO, but the real “pop” came when she decided to start speaking with the media.

See, Robinson’s peculiar story had already captured the attention of locals, and as repayment for her entertainment value, she began not only demanding Pakistani citizenship, but a weekly stipend.

Now, it appears Robinson is ready to leave for New York, though only time will tell if she actually does. Lord knows she’s not going to get a stipend there!

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