The old adage of “don’t drink and drive” needs to be updated for the TikTok generation. Specifically, the new motto should be: “Don’t drink and drive — but if you do, don’t film it.”


Filming while driving is a growing problem around the world. In 2018, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association estimated that around 400,000 people were injured in crashes resulting from distracted driving in that year alone. And given the ubiquity of TikTok and the unending rise of influencer culture, it’s likely that number is only going to increase.

Then again, if everyone stopped filming themselves while on the road, we wouldn’t get videos like this.

In the video, an Aussie can be seen taking a big swig of beer while behind the wheel of a car. Soon, he realizes something is amiss. “Fuck me! Look at this shit!” he says. With a quick turn, he rolls the car, confirming this fact by later saying, “Bro, I just rolled the fucking truck.”

Who knows how this could have happened. Maybe the roads were particularly rough that day — or maybe this guy just hadn’t seen any of his country’s incredibly brutal drunk-driving advertisements.

At least he didn’t appear to be injured — and he still managed to post the video for us to gawk at.