Ghislaine Maxwell is still in jail, and, depending on how conspiracy pilled you are, Jeffrey Epstein is either dead or living it up under an assumed identity somewhere in Eastern Europe.


Despite this, we all really can’t stop thinking about them. Maybe it’s because of all of the questions surrounding Epstein’s “suicide” (so you’re saying the cameras were just *off* in the jail?), or the fact that so many famous people were implicated in the duo’s dirty deeds. But no matter the reason, we’ve all spent the past few years driving all of our friends, girlfriends and colleagues mad with our various conspiracies about the pair.

One such theory stands out amongst the rest. Simply put, was Ghislaine Maxwell a Redditor? This guy seems pretty convinced.

To be clear, this theory isn’t new. Vice covered it back in 2020, even claiming to have quoted a conversation with the Redditor after all of this went down.

“Yeah I logged on a couple of hrs and saw all this shit in my PM,” user MaxwellHill said in the conversation quoted by Vice. “Quite fun actually but conspiracy theories are by nature toxic otherwise they wouldn’t attract readers.”

But is that just what they want us to think??

Look, all of this is a bit weird. I get it. But I also don’t fully believe that someone as rich as Maxwell would have spent all of her free time posting on Reddit. That’s for losers like us, not people who have enough money to buy whatever the hell they want, or people who are (allegedly) pretty busy trafficking children for major celebrities.

Hey, believe what you want to believe.