How embarrassing!

Last month, some losers decided to walk through Columbus, Ohio while holding Nazi flags. These people were rightfully mocked, with pretty much everyone in the city speaking out against them and others straight up making fun of them to their faces. They’ve since brazenly claimed that they were mistreated — a bold thing to say if your ideology consists of “let’s kill a portion of the population.”


This event (and the fact that no one took them even remotely seriously) continues a long series of L’s taken by the Nazis since World War Two. I suppose it’s the curse of calling yourself the “master race” — the more often you say it, the more likely that idea is going to get thrown in your face. For example, one of these Nazi dumbasses accidentally pepper sprayed himself while being interviewed by the cops.

Here’s the body cam footage!

Nazi accidentally pepper sprays Nazi buddy
byu/WahhWayy infunny