The airport freakouts keep coming. Last year’s initial “that man is not real” freakout appears to have lit the kindling in the minds of people around the world, reminding them that sky travel is another area where they can completely flip out.


For example, in the past year, a man was duct-taped to his seat after trying to open a plane door mid-flight. Another man cursed out staff after refusing to deplane. Other flyers have flipped their shit after not being offered booze, claiming their felow passengers were possessed, peeing in the aisle and more. It’s not even April!

Now, there’s been another air travel freakout, but thankfully, the majority of the problems with this one happened on the ground. In this cop’s dashcam footage, we can see the aftermath of an intoxicated woman who’s been forced to deplane. Across around 17 minutes, the woman uses something approximating English to state her case that she shouldn’t be arrested.

The officer is certainly being a dick from the onset, but in fairness, he’s not in an enviable position. The woman is pretty intoxicated, a fact she doesn’t deny — and she even manages to perform such major slipups as handing the officer her medicinal marijuana card instead of her license. Maybe if you had had some of that medicine instead of liquid courage we wouldn’t be in this situation!

She also repeatedly asserts that she’s either in, or is going to be in, the police academy. I would guess that, after this outburst, that probably won’t be the case — you’re supposed to wait until you’re on the force to get unhinged!

The woman was later arrested and charged with disorderly intoxication. Can’t wait to see what arguments she whips out at the trial!